Can you write these decimals as fractions in their lowest terms? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 2.8 11.4 4.05 8.75 13.09 Read More
Can you add these lengths and write the answer to the nearest meter? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 6.8m + 120m + 75.6m + 84.3m = _______ 9.8m + 110m + 65.6m + 44.3m = _______ 0.07m + 165m + 77.5m + 0.81m = ______ Read More
Can you find out the values as given below? Posted on August 13, 2018August 13, 2018 by 0 One twelfth of 192 = ______ One tenth of 530 = ______ One fifth of 500 = ______ One twelfth of 1080 = ______ One fifth of 450 = ______ Read More
Can you round these numbers to the nearest 10? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 14.127 = ______ 39.533 = ______ 10.604 = ______ 19.125 = ______ 73.266 = ______ 93.234 = ______ Read More
Can you calculate these amounts of money and write the answer in pounds? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 48p + 37p + 18p + 36p = £ _____ 88p + 17p + 18p + 26p = £ _____ 28p + 97p + 85p + 76p = £ _____ 20p + 50p + 10p + 5p = £ _____ Read More
Can you find the missing numbers in the below calculations? Posted on August 13, 2018August 13, 2018 by 0 (9 X ___ ) + 17 = 62 36 = (2 X ___ ) + 6 3 X (65 − ___ ) = 90 125 = 5 X (16 + ___ ) 0.5 X (8 + ___ ) = 25 Read More
Can you find a perfect square from each set of numbers? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 32 94 16 18 24 51 81 34 72 18 44 84 64 88 8 33 49 39 19 59 Read More
Can you find the answers to these calculations and wright the answer for each one in words? Posted on August 13, 2018 by 0 37 + 17 + 96 +35 = ___________________________ 109 + 163 + 106 + 204 = ______________________ 7.5 + 19.25 – 17.6 + 25.25 = ___________________ 30.5 + 28 + 70.4 + 56.5 = _____________________ Read More