Electric power is typically measured in what units?
Correct Answer(s): Watts
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When light bends as it enters a different medium the process is known as what?
Correct Answer(s): Refraction
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What kind of eclipse do we have when the moon is between the sun and the earth?
Correct Answer(s): A solar eclipse
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What scientist is well known for his theory of relativity?
Correct Answer(s): Albert Einstein
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A magnifying glass is what type of lens?
Correct Answer(s): Convex
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What is the earth’s primary source of energy?
Correct Answer(s): The sun
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Who is the Hubble Space Telescope named after?
Correct Answer(s): Edwin Hubble
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Earth is located in which galaxy?
Correct Answer(s): The Milky Way galaxy
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A person who studies physics is known as a?
Correct Answer(s): Physicist
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